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Management Team

CA R S Sharma

Shri R s Sharma ,a highly qualified Chartered Accountant who has his academics in the field of business and law. He has been a career as Practitioner. He has also had the benefit of building his knowledge base and capabilities by way or business, management & leadership courses and studies. He is well known for Superior leadership, his superb Client and Risk management skills, hands on experience in Acquisitions, Integration, Business restructuring, Strategy execution and Governance. Building businesses, formulating and then executing strategies are his specialties. With his turnaround expertise, he has converted several low income businesses into the most competitive and successful ones. He is well experienced in developing infrastructure - physical and HR.

Enterprising and Astute are the apt words to define his personality. He infuses confidence and motivates teams to make them feel an integral part of business and take collective pride in growth. He is a team player who is committed to work across matrix & territories to achieve common goals. The fact that he is well traveled and culturally sensitive makes his profile even stronger. He has now brought together his years of active experience and knowledge into B2B to more effectively broad base his activities and stretch to assist formative and mature businesses with their day to day operations, growth and success aspirations.

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